Am 01.11.2010 um 15:58 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

> Stephan Witt wrote:
>>> Stephan Witt wrote:
>>>> setText(_("Unknown buffer info"));
>>>> to
>>>> setText(bformat(_("[[%1$s unknown]]"), from_utf8(name_)));
>>>> setText(bformat(_("%1$s unknown[[BufferInfo]]"), from_utf8(name_)));
>>>> seems more correct then.
>>> why to put [[BufferInfo]] there? 
>> I don't know. I didn't introduce the [[..]] construct.
> okok :) please kill it, its only for specific translating needs.

I did it.

Hopefully you see it like me... 
...the from_utf8 can safely be replaced by from_ascii.
So I did that too.


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