On 11/22/2010 03:58 PM, Georg Baum wrote:
Uwe Stöhr wrote:

  >  What is the problem with using that package?

That it is not included in MiKTeX, also not via the fragments or fixltx2e
package. Therefore all LyX on Windows would be forced to install the file
manually which is not acceptable.
That would be a bug in MikTeX. subscript.sty is meant to be used by other
packages - How could that be done if it is not avilable?.
I would really prefer a packaging fix, because the bug is a packaging bug
(of MiKTeX), but if you insist I can implement a fallback (using the package
if available, else provide the command). What do others think?

I'm inclined to agree with you. I do not see why we need to work around this kind of bug at the LyX level.


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