José Matos wrote:

> For python 3 the strings are now unicode strings and so all works:
> $ ipython3 --no-banner
> In [1]: type( "123%s" % "")
> Out[1]: str
> In [2]: type( "123%s" % u"")
> Out[2]: str
> So a safe bet would be to prefix all the strings with an u, overkill sure
> but it will surely work. :-D

Many thanks for the explanation, now I understand what happens. I took your 
+1 and committed a version that works both with python2 and python3. I 
tested that by regenerating po/lyx.pot and lib/layouttranslations with 
python 2.7.9 and the unmodified script, python 2.7.9 and the modified 
script, and python 3.4.2 and the modified script. All three runs produced 
the same results.


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