Am 24.05.2016 um 04:32 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:

As usual I'll wait before announcing the release until after uploading
the binaries and providing some time for the mirrors.

Great job Scott! Many thanks for all your patient work.

I built it now and noticed 2 things:

- There is a dataloss warning that should be fixed before the final release:

D:\LyXGit\LyX22\src\insets\InsetSeparator.cpp(213): warning C4244: '+=': conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data

Guillaume could you please have a look?

- There is no batch build script for building LyX 2.2 with MSVC 2015. May I add one?

Despite of the warning the compilation run fine and I have an installer ready.

Concerning the installer: The MiKTeX maintainer works hard to iron out some long standing bugs and thus releases currently almost every day a new version. Unfortunately he did not yet release a new installer so that new installations of MiKTeX and LyX will require at least 3 update cycles to be up to date. I try to convince him for a new installer. If this is not possible, I would like to release a new installer as soon as the MiKTeX installer is available.

best regards Uwe

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