On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 10:14 PM, Guillaume Munch <g...@lyx.org> wrote:
> Le 08/06/2016 20:48, Pavel Sanda a écrit :
>> Guillaume Munch wrote:
>>> Here's what I suggest. Let's do, on a trial basis for the duration of
>>> 2.3dev, a branch that mirrors master but inserts patches to disable the
>>> input and output of new file-format features (as well as layout changes,
>>> etc.) after each file-format change. We would see if the idea works out.
>>> I was going to do something like this anyway for myself, so I propose to
>>> take care of it until it gains some momentum. At first we could just
>>> make nightlies out of it for Ubuntu.
>>> One roadblock that I am expecting is that the author of the original
>>> file format change knows better than me how to block it, but in case of
>>> trouble I can ask for advice. I plan to include the patches responsible
>>> for file format changes and patch them afterwards, because otherwise I
>>> expect the code to diverge too much. If at some point it no longer works
>>> then I will stop.
>>> I will call the branch ?unstable?.
>>> Agreement? Suggestions?
>> So what is the goal here. Jut to get aditional testing from interested
>> parties or to make release from this branch at the end?
> In a first time the goal would be to have nightlies, if Liviu agrees that we 
> reuse his infrastructure.
Generally I'm not convinced that spreading testing over two types of
master builds is a good idea, especially since we do not have such
testing manpower anyway. The problem with bleeding edge master is not
confined to fileformat changes (and in any case as it had been
suggested you can still export to 2.prev anyway) --- master will
always contain regressions and other nastiness, which is more likely
to keep testers at bay, at least those who use LyX for production.
And, for me at least, it feels strange to test neutered bleeding edge
code --- seems like a way to keep testers from trying out latest
fileformat changes and associated complications. (Imagine for instance
if the radical 2.2.0dev beamer modifications hadn't gotten the
attention they deserved...)

We can of course set up daily builds using this third branch, but I
wouldn't put them in the lyx-devel PPAs. Given that the packaging
arrangements are already ready for daily builds (though I still have
to prepare the 2.3 builds, probably towards the end of the month),
setting up a new recipe/PPA should be very easy and I'll gladly walk
you through it.


> If the experience is positive, then we can discuss again your idea of having 
> official intermediate releases of master without file format changes, after 
> 2.3 is released.

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