On 2016-09-23, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Freitag, 23. September 2016 um 07:29:14, schrieb Guenter Milde 
> <mi...@users.sf.net>


> If we could considerably reduce the number of failings, we can also
> omit regexes and instead use full test names.

1. We cannot significantly reduce the number of failings.

   This may have worked for the original ~300 test cases but now we have
   5407. Even with the same failure-rate we would get 10 times more
   problematic cases.
   In addition, there is a large number of failing exports due to the
   non-standard export routes tested but not supported by LaTeX for
   several packages and document classes. (We may ignore them if we do
   not expect future support.)
   See below for statistics.

2. Full test names would not solve the problem of a test case with two (or
   more) problems making it both, unreliable and failing.

> Yes, unfortunately we cannot make tests selective to specific failure.

There is also no need to do this.

However, we could create independent labels for unreliable and inverted
tests or just "allow" matches in both files (actually, there is nothing in
the documentation telling that this is not allowed).


Currently, we have 265 problematic tests 
(ctest -N -L "inverted|suspended|unreliable")

146 tests that are known to fail, including

 57 tests requiring attention                 -L todo
 14 tests with a track number                 -L lyxbugs
 61 tests we cannot fix                       -L texissues
119 unreliable tests, including
 62 tests with extra requirements             -L nonstandard
 46 passing test with wrong output            -L wrong_output
 10 with result depending on TeXLive version  -L varying_versions
The 57 "todo" tests are to be investigated and sorted -- only a few
of them will be "easyfix".

This means we have about 200 problematic test cases that will stay so for a
longer time and should adapt to this.


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