Le 28/11/2016 à 00:42, Tommaso Cucinotta a écrit :

eh eh, what about remembering 'needauth' (as well as cursor pos) only for
those files in the recent files list :-), and collapse the 3 lists into
a single one, and a single session section ?

Two problems I see with this idea is that migrating the user session is
going to require some work which can be avoided, and also that the three
lists may have different age/length requirements, for instance the
recent files is limited to what you see in the menu.

* Please see the attached patch for a few suggestions

looks great, HTML provides a much better graphics :-), feel free to push !


* Converters>Security is located below the converter configuration,
which leads to think that they are converter properties instead of
global settings. What about placing it above the converter list?

Same problem with the Converter Cache option already, isn't it?

Let me propose the attached fix for both at once.

You made me realise that the converter cache option is indeed global.
So it's good to fix both, thanks.

browse to the Sweave converters, and you'll see
the needauth option in the extraflags, guess we can edit as well from
the dialog, can't we?

Ok, I did not realise.

1. graphics on-screen conversion & display, used with my (local) gnuplot
   so I insert a .gnuplot image file, and I see its produced output pic
on screen,
   ..., after a few warnings about running needauth converters :-)...

If there are n graphics, then are there n dialogs when opening the file
for the first time?

what else, what are further calls to converters?

Thanks for the explanations, I don't see other calls to converters.


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