On 03/09/2017 06:08 PM, Joel Kulesza wrote:
On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 3:09 PM, Paul A. Rubin <parubi...@gmail.com <mailto:parubi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 03/08/2017 06:13 AM, Irene Dinah Wen wrote:

        Hi everyone,

        I'm new to LaTeX/Lyx (LyX Version 2.2.2, Windows 10, installed
        in the last few weeks), and I'm having some issues with
        printing to PDF that was not addressed in the
        Introduction/Tutorials.  (at least I did not find it)

        (1) When I try viewing the introduction/tutorials as a PDF
        (Ctrl+R), an error occurs.  I have not yet figured out what to
        do fix it.  The same function works fine when I create a new
        document that only contains text (i.e. "Hello World!")

        (2) When I tried adding a graphic (*.pdf) to the new document,
        it encountered the same PDF error until my friend updated my
        MikTeX packages.  However, this has not solved the first issue.

        We suspect it is a problem with outdated MikTeX packages, but
        we're not sure.  Hopefully this report helps!


        P.S. Thanks for the awesome work!

    Under the assumption that this was a result of missing (rather
    than outdated) MiKTeX packages, I filed a ticket
    <https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/10591>) suggesting that we
    document which LaTeX packages are required to compile each help

In the short term, is it sufficient to use View -> Source Pane -> Preamble Only to see which \usepackage commands are issued and Document -> LaTeX Log to see which versions were pulled in?

- Joel

For LaTeX packages, I suspect so. In fact, just grepping the log for .sty and .cls files would seem to do the trick. Missing converters are a separate problem. I just tried to compile the Introduction (success) and Tutorial (failure) on my laptop. Turns out my laptop was lacking librsvg2-bin (since fixed). I think (not sure) I saw a bug in Trac suggesting that the installation script write out a list of recommended tools it failed to find.

- Paul

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