El 10.05.2017 a las 00:31, Kornel Benko escribió:


But I explicitly set it to OFF, see the build5-2015.bat file in git master.

You mean in 'install' case. If mode == 'devel', you set it to "ON".

However, I found now the real problem. whatever i execute in my batch file is never executed because the path to CMake was never specified and by default the patch to the cmake.exe is no longer set to the Windows environment variable PATH.
I fixed this now but then I got the next problem I cannot solve:

in my build script I have now

set LYX_BUILD=D:\LyXGit\Master\compile-2015
cmake %LYX_SOURCE% -G"Visual Studio 14 2015" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="test" -DLYX_USE_QT=QT5 ...

with this I get now in the CMakeCache.txt

//Used Qt version

instead of

//Used Qt version

So the bug is that CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH always starts with LYX_BUILD. But I need an empty value.

If you could fix this, I could replace "test" with the correct path to Qt and finally got a running batch file.

many thanks and regards

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