On 23 May 2001, Lars Gullik [iso-8859-1] Bjønnes wrote:

> | - make sure that table is ready, in particular in terms of memory
> |   consumption 
> I guess it is still too high... It is possible that the
> SharedContainer could help a bit.

actually I was experimenting with this today (for the common attributes
of LyXTabular::cell_struct). I'm not sure it's worth it (space saved vs.
time spent searching through the container) but maybe it is.

The thing I don't like is that using shared container is a bit of a pain.
You have to have the get/set methods for every element of the structure,
as you must make sure to only change values via a temporary structure
that you then do container.get(tmp) on.

I wonder if there is some way to avoid all this tedious glue code (like most
of PargraphParameters.C)


p.s. do you think it might be worth it for some values of InsetTex too ? which ones ?

"Mad Mathesis alone was unconfined
 Too mad for mere material chains to bind, -
 Now to pure space lifts her ecstatic stare
 Now, running round the circle, finds it square."
        - Alexander Pope

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