John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On 23 May 2001, Lars Gullik [iso-8859-1] Bjønnes wrote:
| > | - make sure that table is ready, in particular in terms of memory
| > |   consumption 
| > 
| > I guess it is still too high... It is possible that the
| > SharedContainer could help a bit.
| actually I was experimenting with this today (for the common attributes
| of LyXTabular::cell_struct). I'm not sure it's worth it (space saved vs.
| time spent searching through the container) but maybe it is.
| The thing I don't like is that using shared container is a bit of a pain.
| You have to have the get/set methods for every element of the structure,
| as you must make sure to only change values via a temporary structure
| that you then do container.get(tmp) on.
| I wonder if there is some way to avoid all this tedious glue code (like most
| of PargraphParameters.C)

so of this is glue code, but class variables should really _never_ be
anything else than private anyway. All out of class access should be
done with getters and setters. (ok I break this with the paragraph least it seems like that)

| p.s. do you think it might be worth it for some values of InsetTex
| too ? which ones ?

I guess you mean InsetText... I have to have a look, could be.

rememver that if it is a gain depends upon how meny objects of the
specific types is in existance. If only a few objects the gain will be
very small.


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