On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Andre Poenitz wrote:

> Can't we (ab)use mathed for the bullets? The validate() would come for


> free, and we could store real strings as the parser is already there.

Hmmm... we have strings now.  It's just we choose to let the user have
free rein -- and what works now can be made to work in the Qt port
also (ready for a 1.3.0 release) and requires minimal changes (not
even a file format change as Edwin suggests).

If you want real strings all the time and to get rid of the \bullets
.lyx entries, leaving \bulletsLaTeX only, then that's a 1.4 thing IMO.

> The missing support for \ding is a matter of ten minutes...

Qt working the same as XForms would be less changes methinks.
It'd remove a lot of code too.

I've already described what the XForms dialog was supposed to allow
-- similar to what John wants to see also with depth button display of
appropriate bullet.  It seems a lot of rooting around to force output
into a string and then parse it back in again (especially if a user
may have made significant mods to the string) into a form that can
then be used to drive such a display.

I think both you and Edwin aren't realizing just what weird and
wonderful things can end up in user-modded string.  If you attempt to
parse such a thing how do you decide whether to set the size field or
leave the size in the string (maybe by saying the size must be the
first thing otherwise ignore it?).

If by parsing you mean you simply want to check if a bullet string
exists in the user string for validation (deciding which extra package
to include) then that would work okay but anything more complicated
than that and I think you're heading up the wrong path.  Even this
seems fraught with problems -- at least until I read your answer to
the "How?" question above.

Allan. (ARRae)

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