>>>>> "John" == John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  What about a combox with this list of databases (and maybe a
>> browse button near the combox?)

John> You mean in the first dialog? That would make the dialog pretty
John> confusing IMO...

You are right, this is what happens when trying to give ideas without
looking at the document!

I think one problem (also with the citation dialog) is that it is
designed to add several entries whereas in most cases only one entry
is needed. I am not sure however how we could make a dialog that is
easy for the common case but still allows the special case of several

It could be something like a combox to choose one bib database with a
small + on the right. When clicking on +, a second combox appears
below the first (with a + at the right to add another one, and a - to
delete an entry).


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