Am 23.04.2016 um 15:25 schrieb mn:

Every doc should have at least another round of chktex applied to them.

I am the doc maintainer and on Windows only and ChkteX was not available for Windows (it is now since a few weeks but I did not have the time to try it out. Nevertheless, most issues arose because we changed the fonts for dome documents without checking the change in the PDF output. Nevertheless instead of ChkTeX I prefer the checks of the different persons working at the docs. Especially for non-English texts I assume that software like ChkTeX will fail in some cases.

Better fonts and uniformity of choices for all the included docs:
Tutorial already uses Palatino, but not true smallcaps.
Activating smallcaps should be always on, if available. (Think “Noun-Style”)

What do you mean with "not true smallcaps"?

Other docs still use LModern and Courier. These should be abolished.

No, we had a discussion about the fonts already and the current font choices are the result.

Given the choices available Palatino is probably the best.
Mathdesign Charter is so buggy, you get an error in typesetting

Can you please point me to this special issue? I don't see a problem here.

%  URW-Garamond is not that good for reading on screen.

Says who. It is normal that everybody has personal preferences but we should not judge fonts. Every font has its advantages and disadvantages. The most important thing is the task that should be fulfilled with the docs: provide information is a way that people understand the features of LyX quickly. Things like kerning or if endash or emdash is used is therefore not very important. Things that make the docs hardly readable like the margin protrudes you discovered in the tutorial are important and must be fixed.

Anyway, all the docs should conform to a certain style-guide.

Why? Does this help the users to understand LyX's features. The different documents have different maintainers and a different history. If a users send a new file it is more important for me to look that its content is OK rather than to bother him to follow a certain style. For some documents an article class is sensible while for others a book class is more suitable...

Introducing either ERT: \allowbreak or a ragged linebreak into some
LyX-Code environments to avoid margin violations.

Sure. Please report all those issues here.

Setting the slash-character “/” always compress.

OK. If you send files where this is corrected I will commit your changes.

“Correct” usage of endash,

This is microtypography. I don't think that wen need to take care of this. But also here, if you send files where this is corrected, I will commit them.

Correct punctuation and usage of … for \dots or \ldots instead of three
fullstops ... .

Same opinion as for endash. OK, we even have a menu entry to insert ldots so we should use them if possible. Where did you spot this problem?

regards Uwe

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