I have played with the foils for a while, here is what I came up with.
I use this as a base when I give a talk.

Nothing fancy.


On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Jose L. Gomez Dans wrote:

> Hi!
>    I'm using lyx 1.0.0, and have been usuing lyx since 0.12. Top job, guys!
> Anyway, I have a couple of queries. I have a little Latex experience, and so
> far, I've been using the report class. I now find myself in nedd to produce
> some foils, and I haven't got a clue of what the layout out for that is. I
> was wondering if anyone could supply a dummy (or not so dummy :D) lyx file
> with an example. Something like
>               FOIL_TITLE.
>             BLAH
>             BLAH
>             BLAH
>    Perhaps it's just me being stupid and not understanding the environment
> quotations, but it would be *really* useful.
>    The latex question is related to the use of the mathematical symbol one
> customarily uses for real numbers or natural numbers. I know for certain
> that this symbol is widely used in Germany and in Spain, but can't recall
> seeing it in any Anglo-Saxon text :). Basically, they look like a funny R
> and N, with some of the lines doubled. There's also another one for complex
> numbers, C. Can anyone explain how to get to this symbol going?
>    Thanks so much!
>    Jose
> -- 
> Jose L Gomez Dans                     PhD student
>                                       Radar & Communications Group
>                                       Department of Electronic Engineering
>                                       University of Sheffield UK
> -- 
>               +++ the lyx project user mailing list +++
>                 To unsubscribe from this list send mail to 
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#This file was created by <rokrau> Tue Feb  2 20:06:04 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass foils
\leftheader{\bf left head}
\rightheader{\em right head}
\rightfooter{right foot eg. with the page number:  \thepage}
\MyLogo{ if i just had a Logo}
\options dvips
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme avant
\graphics dvips
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize letterpaper
\paperpackage a4
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\paperorientation landscape
\headsep 0pt
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\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
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\paperpagestyle foilheadings

\layout Title

This is the title page 
for the presentation 
\layout Author

given by Dr.
 Roland Krause
\layout Date

sometime in 1999
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout ShortFoilhead
\added_space_bottom 0.4in* 

\latex latex 

hrule height 2pt 
\layout Standard

\series bold 
\size large 
A foilhead 
\layout Standard

is a horizontal line with a vertical space of 0.4in below.
\layout Itemize

Then I emphasize on the wild theory
\layout Itemize

and so on 
\layout Itemize

how boring, everybody sleeps by now...
\layout Standard
\added_space_top vfill \added_space_bottom vfill 

\series bold 
\color blue
Until I make a conclusion, filling above and below then I add another line
 with 0.1in space above and below.
\layout Standard
\added_space_top 0.1in \added_space_bottom 0.1in \pagebreak_bottom \align center 

\latex latex 

hrule height 2pt 
\layout Standard

\series bold 
\size large 
Ok here is another slide
\layout Standard

trying to emulate the first slide as close as possible without 
\color red
\layout Itemize

comes very close now because the lines actually work pretty well
\layout Standard

But there are two things, I don't like.
\layout Enumerate

No control over the line thickness
\layout Enumerate

No control over the spacing above the header.
Inserting vertical space will move the line down.
\layout Enumerate

Same holds also for the footer.
Can't have my conclusion floating on the slide.
\layout Standard
\added_space_top vfill \line_bottom \pagebreak_bottom 

\series bold 
\color blue
But at least I can make it blue :-)
\layout Standard

\series bold 
\size large 
Now here is my proposal
\layout Standard

If I could implement 
\family typewriter 

\family default 
\family typewriter 
\family default 
 analogously to 
\family typewriter 

\family default 
 as a special character all my problems would be solved.
\layout Itemize

One could have a submenu of 
\family typewriter 

\family default 
 in order to specify the thickness.
\layout Itemize

Then the ShortFoilHead would be the 
hrule special character.
\layout Itemize

and the same holds for the footer.
\layout Standard
\added_space_top vfill \added_space_bottom vfill 

\series bold 
\color blue
Once again a victory over 
\color red
\color blue
 would have been achieved...
\layout Standard
\added_space_top 0.1in \added_space_bottom 0.1in \pagebreak_bottom \align center 

\latex latex 

hrule height 2pt 

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