Dear LyX users,

        I am trying to have all the (figure and table) floats of an
article at the end of the text, max one per page, in the final revision of
the manuscript (as required by the editor).

I have inserted the floats in the text, since it is convenient to have
them appear in the text during the writing and first corrections of the
article on paper.

I am trying to put all of them at the end of the paper by use of
switches/simple commands (that can be commented out when unneeded), in
order to speed up the change from the editing layout to the final
editor-format layout.


- the "p" float placement control switch simply causes floats to be put on
the earliest separate page (and thus being numbered inside the text)

- the \setcounter{totalnumber}{1} which should set the maximum number of
floats appearing on one page, irrespective of their placement inside the
page, seems totally inneffective; I have tried putting this latter
directive both in the preamble and in one of the first document lines,
marking it as a LaTeX paragraph.

Do you have any suggestion?

Thanks a lot in advance,

        Marco Bravi

I am using tetex-latex 0.9 on a Red Hat linux 5.2 box, kernel 2.0.36.

Marco Bravi                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dip. Ing. Chimica               tel. +39-6-44585587 / 612
v. Eudossiana, 18               fax  +39-6-4827453
I-00184 Roma (Italy)            

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