On 19 Jul 2000, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> The package seems to be endfloat.sty.

Thanks a lot. It does _exactly_ what I need, has a lot of configurable
options and, in its latest stable version, is a standard tetex (r. 0.9)

Only a (minor) glitch, that I am not able to track it down myself, and for
which a perfect workaround is extremely easy:

It gets somewhat confused when it finds a table ending at the very
end of the float itself, and latex fails there. Just adding an empty
paragraph at the end of each (by inserting a protected space in
it) fixes everything.

Once again, thanks a lot!

Marco Bravi

Marco Bravi                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dip. Ing. Chimica               tel. +39-6-44585587 / 612
v. Eudossiana, 18               fax  +39-6-4827453
I-00184 Roma (Italy)            

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