Rich Shepard <rshepard <at>> writes:

>    Again, the environment is LyX-2.2.0 on Slackware-14.1
>    The current presentation has several slides with two minipages: the left
> one with text and the right one with a figure (see attached). I spend a lot
> of time trying to get both centered on the slide without success. There must
> be something I'm doing incorrectly despite reading the built-in beamer
> manual.
>    For the attached figure, in the minipage settings dialogs I have the
> vertical alignment for the left side Content set to Middle and the Box set
> to Bottom. For the right side, the vertical alignment is Top for both
> Content and Box.
>    Any time I change any value the alignment changes for the worst. A pointer
> on how to align text minipage and figure minipage so the contents of each
> are vertially aligned in the center of each will be much appreciated.
> Rich
> Attachment (minibox-page.pdf): application/pdf, 20 KiB

I'm going to follow the advice a former student gave to me: if you can't
answer the question, argue the premise.

Any reason you need minipages as opposed to columns? To make this slide, I
would start with a Frame environment, then under that create a "Columns
Center Aligned" environment and nest it under the Frame. From there, I'd
create a "Column" environment, setting its width and nesting it under the
"Columns Center Aligned" environment. Next, add content and nest it under
the "Column". Now repeat with a second "Column" and more content.

One annoying feature to note: if you go back and add something under the
first column, it de-nests the second column. Not fatal, but you need to keep
an eye on it.


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