On 18 Oct 2016, at 13:41, Stephan Witt 
<st.w...@gmx.net<mailto:st.w...@gmx.net>> wrote:

Am 18.10.2016 um 13:58 schrieb Paola Manzini 

On 18 Oct 2016, at 12:33, Kornel Benko <kor...@lyx.org<mailto:kor...@lyx.org>> 

Am Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016 um 11:10:06, schrieb Paola Manzini 

Hi all,

I’ve searched the list and though this is not the first time the problem
noted, I haven’t been able to find any solution. The short of it is: it
just won’t work. So for instance if I type “5+2” then invoke
I only get a lonely = side to the right of the expression, and no result
(see screenshot)>


What happens if you call maxima from the console window and input the
string '(5+2);' followed by <Return>? Here I get:
(%i1) (5+2);
(%o1)                                  7


from the console I get the same as you:

      (%i2) 5+2;
      (%o2)                                  7

It should work. Do you have the same PATH settings on console?
Note, that I am not on MAC, so only guessing.


I know it should work, which is why it is sooo frustrating! I cannot see any 
path settings in the Terminal, but I have put in lyX the same address as the 
one invoked for Maxima run from a terminal window, and still no joy!

The problem is that LyX contains the call of the external utility as hard-coded 
string and it is „maxima“.

The only solution I can see is to wrap the wrapper script „maxima.sh“ located 
inside the Maxima.app bundle
with a utility script like the following code (I cannot attach it - every virus 
checker will block the transport):
======= 8< snip here >8 =======
exec /Applications/Maxima.app/Contents/Resources/maxima.sh "$@"
======= 8< snip here >8 =======

In terminal you may do this:
$ mkdir -p $HOME/bin
$ cat - > $HOME/bin/maxima <<EOF
exec /Applications/Maxima.app/Contents/Resources/maxima.sh "\$@"
$ chmod +x $HOME/bin/maxima

Then verify that "$HOME/bin“ is in LyX’s configured PATH - either as written or 
as "~/bin".

Then it should work.


PS: Be careful with the quotation marks and the backslash. They’re essential.

many thanks Stephan, I’ll try, but as I am as far from a techie as you can 
imagine, some questions for you:

1. are these two alternative methods, or do I need first to create the wrapper, 
then run from the terminal?

2. where should I save the wrapper, and with what name?

3. the <snip here> means joining the two “8”?



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