On Mon, 23 Jan 2017, Paul A Rubin wrote:

In the old days, I believe custom bindings had to be in the same bind file
with the regular bindings (meaning you had to hack emacs.bind and put the
hacked version in your local bind directory). Apparently that changed
somewhere along the line. Regardless of which bind file you select, LyX
adds anything it finds in ~/.lyx/bind/user.bind to the standard bindings.
You're not supposed to edit user.bind manually, either; it gets generated
automatically by LyX.


  I was not aware of this. The 'call newframe' shortcut is in user-bind.

You're not near Washington D.C., are you? The laws of, well, pretty much
everything seem to fail somewhere near their event horizon.

  No. Portland, OR, area. I stay as far away from that swamp as I can.

Two things to check (after making sure the binding is in user.bind).
First, if you go into Tools > Preferences and search for ctrl+alt+return,
do you see the binding (in bold face) listed? If not, there's a problem
with LyX finding the user.bind file.

  Yes, it's in there.

If yes, open a Beamer file (making sure it's not read-only), park your cursor someplace where it would not be horribly illegal to start a new frame, use alt-x to open the command buffer, type 'call newframe' in it (no quotes) and whack return. If that starts a new frame, at least LyX is understanding the command. If not, something truly weird is happening.

  Well, we identified the problem: something truly weird is happening.

  Opened the 20-minute beamer template in a new tab, navigated to the last
item in a frame, and entered 'call newframe' in the command buffer. Same
catatonic response as using the C-M-Return chord.

  Ah, well. I'll just keep doing what I've done before. Don't know this
issue is worth your time or mine.

Many thanks,


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