On 01/24/2017 12:46 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:

  Well, we identified the problem: something truly weird is happening.

Opened the 20-minute beamer template in a new tab, navigated to the last
item in a frame, and entered 'call newframe' in the command buffer. Same
catatonic response as using the C-M-Return chord.

  Ah, well. I'll just keep doing what I've done before. Don't know this
issue is worth your time or mine.
Sorry, my bad. I've been using this so long I forgot its origin (several years ago).

Turns out "newframe" is not an LFUN, it's a function I wrote back before Jürgen rewrote Beamer support (but which still works). It's shorthand for a rather lengthy command sequence. On my system, the definition is stored in ~/.lyx/commands/default.def, which I'm attaching. If you park that file in ~/.lyx/commands (or merge it into an existing default.def file, if present), things should work.

Sorry about the confusion.


\define "newframe" "command-sequence paragraph-break inverse ; depth-decrement 
; depth-decrement ; depth-decrement ; depth-decrement ; layout Frame ; 
inset-dissolve ; environment-split"

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