On 06/08/2017 04:35 AM, Alejandro Peralta Alzate wrote:
Hello Paul,

I have installed the Linux Mint with *MATE enviroment*.

I did the setup and install of LyX throught ppa (release):

>> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lyx-devel/release <<

Next step update: >> sudo apt-get update << and finally Install: >> sudo apt-get install lyx <<.

I attach to this email, the screenshot of the Issue (for more detailed information - Lyx_Issue.png).

Regards and waitting for your response.


I'm copying this back to the user list, to keep the conversation visible to others.

This is a bit perplexing. I've installed the same .deb file you have, from the same source, on the same OS (Mint Rosa), and not experienced the persistent menus. The one wrinkle is that, when I was on Rosa, I did not use MATE; I had Cinnamon on my desktop and Xfce on my laptop. However, since upgrading Mint to 18.0 Sarah (and subsequently 18.1 Serena), I've had MATE on my desktop, and not had the menu issue.

I no longer have Mint 2.2.2 on either machine (I'm on 2.2.3), but since we installed the same package from the PPA, I assume we were both using the same Qt version. I'm not a developer, so I don't know the code base, but Richard Heck is, and seems to believe the issue would be with Qt. If so, it would apparently have to involve an interaction with something external to LyX (CPU timing issue, other application interfering, gremlins, Russian hackers, ...).

Out of curiosity, when a menu sticks, can you dismiss it with the escape key?


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