
If you use dropbox, can't you just put ALL the files there and edit
from there?

I am using a Mac and I can open and save files from LyX on the dropbox
directories, including generating the PDF, so I am sure something
similar will work on Windoze.

I would them use Version Control and make sure your collaborators use
that when editing their files.

Now that you mention it, my mother, 23 years ago, at 64, never having
touched a computer before, figured out how to use UUPC and MicroEmacs
on DOS, so she could email me in Namibia :-)-O.

For full disclosure I must confess that I wrote her a wrapper script
(3000 lines BAT :-)-O), bought her the modem (1200/2400 baud and I
think at that stage still illegal in Germany) and set up her uucp

To ask for a rewrite because (presumably academic) collaborators, can't
handle a few clicks makes no sense to me.

"computer-unsavvy" is Latin for lazy, right?


On 2017-07-29 11:55 , Roberto wrote:
>> Make is your friend.
> I collaborate on dropbox with make-unfriendly computer-unsavvy people,
> make is not an option - and this is not such an uncommon case I guess!
> Instead, an _editable_ file format that __guarantees__ you have all is
> needed to compile the file is a haven for data integrity.
> All the rest, I am sorry, is too geeky-pretensions-minded in my
> opinion.  This kind of thinking in my opinion is ultimately the
> reason of the same attitude that causes some people never get over
> the learning curve of LaTeX. Do you want to collaborate with just
> computer skilled people? or you want to collaborate on writing just
> as effectively with just anybody? if you opt for the second, then LyX
> is a great solution, but the need to carry around figures is still
> a burden for some. Is this clear? (I said for some, maybe is not a
> problem for me, not a problem for you, but is a problem for the other
> half of the world! try to wear their shoes every now and then!)
> So, if you wanted to use make, then for most users you can as well
> suggest to use LaTeX on vi :) is as much difficulty (infinity!)! Going
> by this token one always ends up saying "my current implementation
> can do it, just do 1), 2). 3) n) steps, but what effort does it
> take? Before answering think about your grandma having to do it ...

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