On 01/08/2017 21:21, Roberto wrote:
> On 01/08/2017 18:13, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> Talking about computer-unsavvy:
> Your point being? that one example sets a rule?

The point being that this was quite computer-unsavvy.

>> You can not ask from collaborators to set up a GIT repo, but, yes,
>> you can ask collaborators using LyX anyway, to check out/in LyX files
>> from within LyX (because it hides GIT quite well).
>> It's difficult.
> Your humble opinion. And in any case just a consequence of the way the
> code is made at the moment.

You are contradicting yourself a little here. Even though that your are
most welcome to contribute the code.

>>  And it's not really necessary.
> Again your humblest opinion.

This thread is nothing but an exchange of opinions.

>> And, my observation over the years (linux user # 1387 :-)-O), the
>> people squealing loudest for features in Open Source software are the
>> ones that fund the least.
> Your point being? that #1387 knows it all? (until #1386 comes and
> overrules him? :P ) ... come on! Ricardo is making a fair point, you
> are telling stories ... instead you should reflect on what he is
> saying!

The point being that Ricard has used linux for many years (you cut that
off, conveniently) and has opinions and experience, and I have been
using linux for many years and have opinions and experience, one of
which is that the people squealing loudest for features in Open Source
software are the ones that fund the least.

> Maybe it does not apply to you personally as a developer (if you are a
> developer, I do not know, sorry for not knowing your biography #1386),

The number was 1387 and not 1386, actually.

> but I can support Ricardo on this. He is not the first one who I hear
> reporting this type of behavior when interacting with open source
> developers.

I am not a software developer, I am a gynecologist in a developing
country, even though I have done a wee bit of (internet) development
related stuff.

> Frankly it does not sound absurd at all even if you do not anything
> about software, but you know something about human beings. Is quite
> easy to imagine the possibility that people in a somewhat dominating
> position on an issue might abuse of this position. In this particular
> case someone knows the code and manages it. Some other person just has
> a (maybe nice, maybe terrible) idea on how to develop the software
> further and the "knowledgeable" person just uses what he/she knows or
> his manager power to reject what other bring to discussion. Even if
> the idea is truly bad, what happens is a bit like a 5th grade teacher
> making fun of the students who suggests to compute a square root by
> some incorrect method. Is it necessary or helpful for the community to
> mistreat people?  I only see a cheap way to pump up one's ego in doing
> such things.

Quite a bit of nonsense you manage to condense into one paragraph, off

> I have to say that this is quite common phenomenon when talking in
> message boards like this one and I have read often bad reaction of
> this type from developers. Ricardo has synthesized the issue in a very
> clear and concise manner, which must mean he has seen it happening
> quite a bit and thought about it a lot, otherwise such synthesis would
> not be achieved.

So why start this thread?

> I think we should all reflect on this. In my opinion if an open
> source project goes somewhere or nowhere depends to a large extent
> on this kind of things, not just on features missing with respect to
> alternative software, or any other technical aspect of it. If you
> remove the social aspect of open source, it would clearly limp ...

This is not comp.fuzzy.feelings but gmane.editors.lyx.general.


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