I recently upgraded to LyX 2.2.3 as I am not doing any production work at the 
moment and it seemed a good time to explore some of the new features.I have a 
problem with the Rnw(knitr) module in LyX. LyX is insisting that the knitr 
package does not exist and the compile aborts.R says knitr is installed and can 
be loaded. A closer inspection of the “Available” modules list shows that 
Rnw(knitr) is not listed. If I remove the Rnw(knitr) module from the selected 
list the file compiles normally.My default template loads the Rnw(knitr) module 
automatically and if I click on the knitr module name in the “Selected” window 
I get the standard explanation of what it is in the window below.Any 
suggestions? Thanks

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