Thanks again Scott for your response and thoughtful help. I attach the file. I 
updated LyX to 2.3.7. This has indeed only been a problem in the past couple of 
years. I’ve sort of tolerated it because I mostly collaborate now rather than 
writing myself — getting old and rusty. For collaborations I use Overleaf 
though I still prefer LyX.

In 2001, KLyX changed my life, but because of the top search result! Ewwww


On 8 Aug 2023, at 14:42, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 08, 2023 at 08:23:15AM -0600, Tim Garrett wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> Thank you for the quick response. Definitely not a branch. If the source 
>> LaTeX pane is the code preview pane, that is not open either (I also noticed 
>> that suggestion searching through threads).
>> My troubleshooting step is simply open new file, paste text from a paragraph 
>> from some other file, double paste, and notice the difference in cursor 
>> speed.
>> Thanks again
>> Tim
> Thanks for those details, Tim!
> It's good to know those two theories of mine are not correct.
> Thanks for sending your system info in your initial message, that's helpful. 
> In particular, it's helpful to know that you're on macOS, if I understand 
> correctly. We have definitely seen strange things reported by macOS users the 
> last couple years.
> I see you are on LyX Can you test the most recent version of LyX? I 
> do not see an entry in the changelog from to 2.3.7 
> ( that appears 
> related to your issue, but it's still worth checking. Also, 2.3.7 might be 
> compiled with a newer version of Qt which can bring fixes as well so maybe 
> you'll get lucky.
> By the way, what is KLyX? Was that the original name of LyX? When I search 
> for KLyX on Wikipedia, it redirects to something surprising; you have my 
> sympathy if you've been using that since 2001 ;)
> Do I understand correctly that you did not experience this issue before? If 
> so, do you know when the issue started to appear for you? Was it during an 
> upgrade of LyX versions?
> I haven't heard of this particular issue before from any user (perhaps others 
> have?), so it might be difficult to debug and figure out the root cause.
> Even though you can reproduce the issue from just opening a new file, it 
> would still be helpful for you to send us a file where the cursor speed is 
> slow for you. The reason for this is that it's possible to change the default 
> document settings of new documents, so a new file for you is not necessarily 
> the same as a new file for me. I don't *think* this is the root issue, but it 
> would still be helpful to rule it out.
> Best,
> Scott
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 emphasized that any successful scheme that attempts to parameterize the
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a) be based on clear testable hypotheses, b) not affect large-scale predictabili
ty and c) invoke buoyancy.
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Understanding of convective cloud behaviors, their radiative impacts, and
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 with a current consensus pointing to tropical clouds amplifying surface
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Understanding of convective cloud behaviors, their radiative impacts, and
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 emphasized that any successful scheme that attempts to parameterize the
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a) be based on clear testable hypotheses, b) not affect large-scale predictabili
ty and c) invoke buoyancy.
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Understanding of convective cloud behaviors, their radiative impacts, and
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