On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 01:12:10PM +0100, Alejandro Lorenzo Gallego wrote:
Content-Description: signed data
> El Domingo, 4 de Enero de 2004 11:59, Christian Marker escribi?:
> > I am writing a script of my maths lecture at university with LyX. Pretty
> > much everything is looking like I want it to, but the Integrals look kind
> > of ugly. Is there any (easy) way to put the numbers (start and stop of the
> > interval) directly above and under the Integral sign? Until now, I drop
> you have to do the following:
> -write \int^a _b
> -put the cursor in a way where the integral symbol is selected(with that 
> purple box around it
> -Press the following key sequence: Alt-M-l 
> -Take a look at your beautiful integral :-)

There is a good reason why the default placement of the integral limits is
not above and below the integral sign: the latter placement would add an ugly
vertical space between the lines.
If you want to an integral with limits above and below the integral sign,
you should probably use display math and not inline math
(in LyX, press ctrl+shift+m in order to create a display equation).

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