Am 05.12.2007 um 02:01 schrieb Bennett Helm:

On Dec 4, 2007, at 2:32 AM, Maximilian Wollner wrote:


I am using LyX 1.5.2 on a PPC Mac and XeTeX to be able to use a system font (Hoefler Text). So far, everything works fine, except for Hyperref. Following the orders from the wiki I put this in my preamble (and following a suggestion on the XeTeX list, it's my last entry in my LyX-Preamble):

\usepackage[dvipdfm]{hyperref} % Sorgt für Verlinkung in PDFs. Funktioniert gegenwärtig nicht mit XeTeX.

And it does work to some degree. Eg. it does make links (hovering over one with the mouse changes the mouse pointer to a “link pointer” and a “content outline” (don't know how you call it properly, that thing eg. in Acrobat Reader on the left side where you can directly click on chapters, sections etc.) but I can not actually click on any of them; if I do nothing happens.

Now, I think I could live without Hyperref but would be happy, if it would work. Any suggestions here?

It turns out hyperref has changed how they do things so as to accommodate XeTeX. Now instead of calling hyperref with dvipdfm as an option, you should call it with xetex as an option:


I've updated the wiki page to reflect this change.

I forgot to write that I tried this out as well (as well as all other options I could find in the hyperref manual). I have also tried to play around with \hypersetup and it still did not work.

Which is not to bad, if this would work:

By the way, if all you want is to use Hoefler Text as your standard font, you can accomplish this using


in your preamble (at least with recent versions of texlive. Then you can typeset using pdflatex and so use microtype, e.g.

Yes, Hoefler Text is (so far) the only reason for me to use XeTeX. I tried to put the command in my preamble but got an error:

LaTeX Error: File `gtamachoefler.sty' not found.

Then I installed the latest MacTeX package, reconfigured LyX but I still get the same error message. What can I do?


Thanks for your help,
greetings from Vienna,


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