On 10.06.08, Anthony Campbell wrote:

> Although I have unicode fonts installed they don't show up as a possible
> choice in Lyx. How can you make it see them?

For LyX GUI or as document font?

* The LyX GUI should let you select between all properly installed system
  fonts (I use DejaVu).
* Standard latex and pdftex cannot use "unicode fonts" as-is (while XeTeX
  can). However, many font families exist in both, unicode and
  latex-compatible encodings and support greek text with standard latex.
  The choice of a document font is limited in the LyX GUI. 
  To use a properly installed latex font that does not show up in the
  font-settings dialogue, you can set the document fonts to [default]
  there and load the font package in the custom LaTeX preamble.


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