Am Friday, 23. August 2013, 20:41:37 schrieb Csikos Bela:
> Wolfgang Engelmann <> írta:
> I haven't tried 2.1 beta yet. 2.0.6 should work in your case perfectly.
> >For clarification I include a small lyx file and bib file with which I
> >tried out your authdate.bst file you had sent, but it did not work (??
> >instead of citations, no references, no error message.
> It works perfectly. In your sample lyx file you have loaded natbib
> twice, probably that was the reason for fail. If you load natbib
> through lyx GUI you must not load it again in your preamble.
> I modified your sample lyx file and I attach it here with the output
> pdf.
> bcsikos

Thanks again, Csikos. 

I do not quite understand 

there are only 3 citation styles:

default (numerical)
Natbib with style Author-year and numerical

How would I modify Natbib with something else besides Author-year (eg 
round, comma)? In the preamble, and would this overwrite the bibliography 
setting? (eg with your \setcitestyle{comma,aysep={}}? 
Why is default only numerical? What if I want Kluwer style or something 
else? I can't leave everything unchecked in Bibliography, I have to check 


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