On 23/08/2013 3:08 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
Am Thursday, 22. August 2013, 20:46:14 schrieb Csikos Bela:

 > >So I select under tools>output>latex> Bibliography Processor > bibtex

 > >(or custom? or bibtex8?)


 > It seems you are using an older lyx version. It should work with it,

 > still I suggest upgrading lyx to version 2.x.

###Thanks for your answer.

I am using 2.0.6

May be I should upgrade, but I am always afraid I do something wrong and
can't work with it afterward. There is a deadline for a book chapter


 > Set bibliography processor to bibtex. bibtex8 might work as well, I

 > never tried it. If you select bibtex, make sure those fields in the bib

 > database file that will be in the output do have only ASCII or latin-1

 > encoded characters. Special characters should be replaced by latex

 > commands (eg. รถ is \"{o} etc.).


 > >Since I have over 700 citations, I used Jabref for my bibliography and

 > >clicked the references via the lyx-export of jabref to the

 > >corresponding places of my document. If I use \setcitestyle{aysep={}}

 > >instead of your proposed \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}}, and if I put

 > >() around the citation, I get what I need.


 > Do not add manually '(' and ')' around citations. The opening and

 > closing braces (rounded, square, or other) are part of the citation.

 > And it is better to add the citations within lyx.


 > I don't know if jabref can handle the two different types of citations:

 > ' and 'text (Author year) text'. Can it make a

 > difference? If you insert the citations within lyx you can select which

 > type you want. If you look at the source you can see that the latex

 > command for the two types are different, \citet and \citep.


 > Also, if you have several citations in a group, lyx can handle it.

 > Can jabref handle that?

###I do it via lyx (add)


 > Unfortunately you have to go through all the citations and adjust them

 > manually. Or you can work on the .lyx source file directly using a text

 > editor and replacing all cite* command with citep. (Make a backup

 > of the original file before editing!) After this open your edited file

 > in lyx, find the few (I suppose) occasions of 'text Author (year) text'

 > type citations and adjust them manually.


 > The \setcitestyle{round,aysep={}} and \setcitestyle{aysep={}}

 > commands in the preamble have the same effect, as round is the

 > default option in case of author-year citation. Removing or adding it

 > does not make any difference.


 > >But what about eg: (Praschak-Rieder and Willeit 2012) and in case

 > >of three authors and more (Crosthwait et al. 1997)?


 > I don't understand what your question is.

### here I meant the 'et al' after more then 2 authors in a (one!)

author 1

author 1 and author 2

author 1 et all (3 authors or more)

 > Unfortunately latex handles citations in goups. One group is all

 > the citations selected and added at the same time. All these citations

 > will be between the same pair of parentheses. If you add neighboring

 > citations separately, they will be within different parentheses pairs.


 > The source also shows the difference. For example.


 > 3 citations in one group:


 > \citep{citation1,citation2,citaton3}


 > The output will be:


 > (author1 year1, author2 year2, author3 year3)


 > However if you add them separately, like this:


 > \citep{citation1} \citep{citation2} \cite{citaton3}


 > the output will be:


 > (author1 year1) (author2 year2) (author3 year3)


 > You can adjust the opening and closing braces and the seperators

 > between authors etc using \setcitestyle.


 > Read the natbib manual (available at CTAN) section 2.9 Selecting

 > citation punctuation.


 > >Where in the .lyx file (or elsewhere) would I place the authdate.bst

 > >file you kindly supplied?


 > You can put it anywhere you want, but the best place is the directory

 > where your .lyx file is. You select the bst file by clicking 'BibTeX

 > Generated Bibliography' and browse for it.

### I guess there is a 'normal' place? I have it now in .lyx/layouts

The .bst file has to be found by *bibtex*, so .lyx/layouts isn't a particularly good choice (unless you additionally tell bibtex to look there). The document directory, as suggested by Csikos, works just fine.


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