Am 29.03.2014 10:19, schrieb Daniel CLEMENT:

I also have TeXLive (on Windows) and don't need to install an extra
language pack for German. Do you
use a special Linux distribution that has its own TeXLive-packages?

Just Debian (Linux Mint Debian). As Jürgen has already explained,
TeXLive as of 2013 has split Babel language support files, and I had to
install the packages texlive-lang-french (of course) and
texlive-lang-german (more unexpectedly).

Good to know. I am still using TeXLive 2012. (I normally use MiKTeX on Windows and TeXLive 2012 is more a reference for me if users reports problems with it and LyX.)

I'm perfectly fine with that, the texlive-lang-german uses a negligible
size on a modern HD. I was just thinking of a new user who could wonder
why the user guide does not compile first time.

FWIW, I could easily provide a French translation of this German
excerpt, even more so if you provide me with the English version :-)
--just ask.

Fine with me, please contact our French translators to come to a decision. I send you the contact details in a separate mail.

regards Uwe

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