Hi, Florian.
On 04.08.2014 19:40, Florian Bruckner (3kraft) wrote:
Are you guys aware of a performance regression from java6 on osx? Is this something you think is worth investigating?

If yes - I can offer systematic testing on a range of different MBP models, starting with pre-unibody MBP up until quite recent retina MBPs, all attached to the same screen to get comparable results. Building and modifying the rendering pipeline is unfortunately beyond my capabilities (at least without your support).
Yes, we already have some reports on this problem, but not all of them can be reproduced by us locally. It would be good to find the bottleneck using a native profilers(ex TimeProfiler which is part of XCode), on different systems with different video cards/screen size. In your case would be good to know the differences in profiler results between before/after SQLDeveloper is started.

thanks and regards,


Best regards, Sergey.

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