----- Alkuperäinen viesti -----
> On Dec 1, 2009, at 16:01, David Greaves wrote:
> > > If the community wants *everything* at TMO, I'm fine with it.
> > I'm not FWIW.
> Blech. Talk is overwhelming. I prefer the more detailed and serious discussion
> here.
> Jeremiah

I suggest that we use TMO to talk about brainstorms. There is one section only 
for brainstorm conversations and finding right thread shouldn't be so hard to 

But mailing lists are much nicer imo for other conversations that arent 
strictly pinpointed. But a single activity (brainstorming) cant be discussed at 
two or more places at the same time... Or of course can but there is hell lotta 
duplicate arguments etc and result isn't nothing like 1+1=2, probably less than 
1 because the interferences.

Ossipena / Timo
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