On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 16:34 +0200, ext API wrote:
> > Pada hari Senin, tanggal 22/10/2007 pukul 22:43 +0200, ext Jordi Mas
> > menulis:
> > > - The possibility to register a new language in the system (the user can
> > > switch to it).
> > 
> > Let's start with this:
> > https://maemo.org/community/wiki/i18n/
> What's the idea of this page? Ask for a better way to do that or explain how 
> do
> you can do that?
> As I say on a previous mail, if you want to add a new language in the system
> the fast and simply way is:
>    * Dowload the package posix-locales, modify debian/rules to add the locale
>    you want to add, recompile the package and install it on the device.
>    * Modify the extra-languages gconf property in order to see the new 
> language
>    on the osso-languageregional applet (to allow the user to select it):
>     gconftool-2 -s "/apps/osso/applet/languageregional/available_languages" 
> -t list --list-type string "[gl_ES]"
> But this allow the user to select the language as "gl_ES", very 
> non-intuitive. It
> could be a good idea to document it, at least meanwhile we haven't a better
> way to do that. Anyway, IMHO, this process should be improved, for example,
> allow to configure languageregional in order to allow to add new endonyms.
> Well, perhaps I'm wrong. There are a better way to register a new language
> in the system?

It's this page:

Please check the 4th step:
4. That's it. If you see only xx_YY and not "Your Language (Your
Country)" in the applet, then you need to find and fill these fields in
the locale data file (then go back to step 1):



country_name "Your Country"

lang_name "Your Language"



Localization Engineer
Open Source Software Operations 

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