On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 18:22 +0300, ext Eero Tamminen wrote:
> [1] A former collegue of mine had implemented the Finnish language
> morphological model in Z-code, but it needed over 64Kb i.e. more
> than the old adventure games written in Z-code... :-)

Which is a mathematical proof that learning Finnish is harder than
succeed in old adventure games.  ;)

Anyway, let me summarize:

- Logical IDs vs internal processes. I'm still digesting the thread but
it looks that it could be done. Won't be easy but it doesn't need to be
done all in once (am I right?). Cases like browser or email client could
be isolated. Hildon requires anyway its own attention. Etc.

- License of English content and translations. I guess what is really
relevant is what translators can do with the English content and the
works they derive from it.

- Adding new languages. Technically possible but how to end up offering
new/community language variants to end users. The objective would be
that user goes to i.e. "Esperanto language pack" one-click install and
after downloading dependencies can activate this language just like they
can do now with the supported languages.

- Fonts (Unicode support), input method (virtual keyboard, handwriting
recognition) and other i18n issues.

- Translators, how we help them getting organized.

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