>> It is interesting if it is possible to lock ARM/DSP frequency at 400/166
>> instead of 330/220 when playing video. That would probably improve
>> built-in player performance on some heavy bitrate/resolution videos.

Would this be possible then? What knocks the CPU speed down when the  
DSP is used (or rather when a music file is played)? The media player  
presumably? Assuming it is the media player that makes the change, I  
presume that mplayer should run at 400MHz all the time?

> Sadly, because of DSP sw issues, little power saving is possible when
> the DSP is running (ARM can still go to idle and most of the processor
> can have its clock gated, but it's not possible to reach OMAP
> retention). It would be nice to have the DSP able to sleep between
> frames; the time taken to decode an mp3 frame is significantly shorter
> than the related playback.

Presumably the background IDL thread implements power saving functions  
and is present in the dsp kernel? What actually prevents the DSP from  
sleeping between frames? If the mp3 task is written using semaphores  
around the data transfer/notification functions, shouldn't the task  
yield to the background thread after it has decoded a frame and DMA'd  
it to the audio codec hardware?


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