On Wednesday 20 January 2010 19:21:18 Ryan Abel wrote:
> On Jan 20, 2010, at 1:04 PM, Jeff Moe wrote:
> > I've seen frequent mentions of how distinct maemo.org is from Nokia. But 
> > the reality seems that nothing at Maemo can really happen without Nokia's 
> > tacit approval. Is there anyone that has server access that isn't paid 
> > (directly or indirectly) by Nokia? Can we start getting the servers admin'd 
> > by community admins instead of depending upon Nokia? A first step would be 
> > to document (on the *outside/public*) wiki the current server arrangement. 
> > Another good step would be to get DNS off their servers. Until that 
> > happens, the whole "maemo is distinct from Nokia" is just a façade.
> Maemo is a trademark owned by Nokia and used for their software platform and 
> their products. You're confusing Maemo and maemo.org (maemo.org being the 
> community-owned website). In doing so, you're confusing the discussion and 
> making it much more difficult to participate and arrive at a useful 
> conclusion. "Maemo" and "maemo.org" are not equivalent interchangeable terms.

Yep! Definitely confusing them. They do seem much one and the same to me 
though. It seems we've come to some useful conclusions, regardless

Though how does the community "own" maemo.org? I mean, can we really just walk 
off with it and leave Nokia behind? I doubt it. Can we see the finances of this 
website, please?

-Jeff, really gotta run!
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