
2010/3/19 Carolina Simões Gomes <carolina.sgo...@gmail.com>:
> If possible, I'd like to know more about the aGLESory project, in order to
> begin forming my ideas about the project proposal.

(I'm not the one who proposed the project, so I might be wrong about
the motivations and ideas behind "aGLESory".)

I *think* the idea behind aGLESory is to make it easier to start
creating projects utilizing OpenGL ES for Maemo/MeeGo. Right now, if
one was to use Xlib to create a "Hello World"-ish GL ES app, it would
look like this:


There's too much boilerplate code (setting up the X window, etc..)
which makes it hard (or a copy'n'paste job) to start a new project
utilitzing OpenGL ES. I guess most of this is covered by using Qt and
its QGLWidget, which can be subclassed to implement the
rendering/setup: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qglwidget.html - This
also provides texture loading using QImage. Still, maybe a more
"lightweight" solution with Xlib and DevIL, packed into a nice, little
C++ framework is what aGLESory is about (maybe with some additional
helper classes to make it easier to get started).

It would be nice if Flandry (the "reporter" on the GSoC ideas page)
could elaborate a bit on what the idea is exactly. I've added myself
as a possible mentor for this project, as it does interest me
personally :)

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