2010/3/19 Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com>
> I *think* the idea behind aGLESory is to make it easier to start
> creating projects utilizing OpenGL ES for Maemo/MeeGo. Right now, if
> one was to use Xlib to create a "Hello World"-ish GL ES app, it would
> look like this:
> http://wiki.maemo.org/SimpleGL_example
> There's too much boilerplate code (setting up the X window, etc..)
> which makes it hard (or a copy'n'paste job) to start a new project
> utilitzing OpenGL ES.

Shameless promotion: SDL-gles, which removes quite a lot of the boilerplate
and doesn't require patches to the upstream SDL nor the maemo one. It's
already in -devel and in use by at least one game.

2010/3/19 Valerio Valerio wrote:
> These idea came from TMO, but I've already contacted the author. My
> understanding of the idea is a bit different, I think is basically a
> wrapper from OpenGL to OpenGL ES, in order to easily port OpenGL
> games/apps to Maemo.

I agree, the wording makes it sound that way.


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