I'm a bit confused here...is Qt3D the same or an extension to the QtOpenGL

Also, if the aGLESory project is supposed to be a wrapper of OpenGL to
OpenGLES, would this include Qt code or just straightforward GL code? I ask
this because according to the blog post Kate pointed to, Qt3D already
intends to abstract away GL and GLES differences.
Thank you,
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Valerio Valerio <vdv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 2010/3/19 Thomas Perl <th.p...@gmail.com>
> Hello!
>> 2010/3/19 Carolina Simões Gomes <carolina.sgo...@gmail.com>:
>> > If possible, I'd like to know more about the aGLESory project, in order
>> to
>> > begin forming my ideas about the project proposal.
>> (I'm not the one who proposed the project, so I might be wrong about
>> the motivations and ideas behind "aGLESory".)
>> I *think* the idea behind aGLESory is to make it easier to start
>> creating projects utilizing OpenGL ES for Maemo/MeeGo. Right now, if
>> one was to use Xlib to create a "Hello World"-ish GL ES app, it would
>> look like this:
>> http://wiki.maemo.org/SimpleGL_example
>> There's too much boilerplate code (setting up the X window, etc..)
>> which makes it hard (or a copy'n'paste job) to start a new project
>> utilitzing OpenGL ES. I guess most of this is covered by using Qt and
>> its QGLWidget, which can be subclassed to implement the
>> rendering/setup: http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qglwidget.html - This
>> also provides texture loading using QImage. Still, maybe a more
>> "lightweight" solution with Xlib and DevIL, packed into a nice, little
>> C++ framework is what aGLESory is about (maybe with some additional
>> helper classes to make it easier to get started).
>> It would be nice if Flandry (the "reporter" on the GSoC ideas page)
>> could elaborate a bit on what the idea is exactly. I've added myself
>> as a possible mentor for this project, as it does interest me
>> personally :)
> These idea came from TMO, but I've already contacted the author.
> My understanding of the idea is a bit different, I think is basically a
> wrapper from OpenGL to OpenGL ES, in order to easily port OpenGL games/apps
> to Maemo.
> Best regards,
> --
> Valério Valério
> http://www.valeriovalerio.org
>> HTH.
>> Thomas

[Carolina Simões Gomes]
Computer Engineer - University of Campinas, Brazil
M.Sc. in C.S. Student - University of Alberta, Canada
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