On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 02:29 PM, Bryan Fullerton wrote:

From time to time (ah, the best kind of bug), the cookie set when logging into a list seems to "go bad" - after authenticating, any other admin operation (admin pages, admindb, list archives) results in prompting again for the password every time a link is clicked or a form submitted.
The list-owner has sent me a follow-up email, which I've been able to confirm.

When logging into a list named trawler-world-list-help (a mm2.1 list) everything works - *unless* there's already a mm2.0 cookie for the list trawler-world-list. In my browser, I see one cookie for "trawler-world-list:admin" (mm2.0) and a second for "trawler-world-list-help+admin" (mm2.1).

I'm trying to find this in the cookie parsing stuff in Mailman/SecurityManager.py, but python is not my first language. :)


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