On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 07:42 PM, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

Very interesting.  I wonder if this could be some Apache bug or other?
We're running 1.3.27 on python.org so I don't have direct experience
with this bug on Apache 2.0
Sorry, any references to 2.0 are Mailman - I'm using Apache 1.3.27 too.

The colons did cause problems with Python's Cookie.py, as that module
stood back in Oct 2001.  I think the change was made when we zapped
Mailman's own copy of Cookie.py for the one in Python's standard
library.  Sure, there could be a bug there, although I haven't seen
any other reports of problems.
Yeah, I figured it would've been noticed by a bunch of other people if it was in the Python libs. :)

Mailman crafts the key used to look up the cookie data (essentially a
dictionary), by using the list's internal name, `+', and an
"authcontext", which for the admin screens is `admin'.
Is there any limit to the length of the list-name variables or the comparisons? Is there any other way a cookie request for "trawler-world-list-help" would return the cookie for "trawler-world-list"? Is -help a 'reserved' extension like -request or -admin? (I looked for '-help' in Mailman/* and didn't find anything, but..)

    BF> I suspect that my list-owner using IE on WinME didn't really
    BF> need to reboot

Well, you know, not to admin the list. ;)

Okay.  Also, what version of Python are you using?  I've seen the
problem with Python 2.1.3, but I don't recall seeing it since I've
upgraded python.org's Mailman 2.1 to run on Python 2.2.2.
I'm using Python 2.2.2, compiled from the FreeBSD port (port version python-2.2.2_2, installed December 1st).


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