Dave Troiano wrote:
>The scenario we have is that I am the list owner for
>all the lists. And we have a controlled
>subscription/unsubscription process whereas members
>will need to fill out an online request form to
>subscribe/unsubscribe, that I process manually.

So you are in fact the site *Mailman* administrator. Sorry, I wasn't
clear that that's what I meant when I said "site admin".

So the next stumbling block is whether this is your organization's
Mailman installation vs. a virtual domain on a hosted installation. If
the former, you should know the Mailman site password. Get whowever
does have access to the command line scripts for Mailman to do
bin/mmsitepas to set a site password for Mailman if there isn't
already one and tell you what it is. Then, if you use this site
password to access a list's admin interface rather than the list admin
password, you will be able to see a users other subscriptions. Or,
perhaps your IT staff can set up a way for you to run bin/find_member.

If your Mailman is just one domain on a hosted Mailman installation,
you will need to negotiate this with the host.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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