Christian F Buser via Mailman-Users writes:

 > I am in no way a programmer - but as I understand it, Python 2 can
 > live alongside Python 3 without any problems.


 > The EOL declaration for Python 2 does NOT mean that Python 2 will
 > stop working on the date the publishers announced. There will just
 > be no improvements. And as long as there are no obvious security
 > holes in Python 2, it is absolutely not necessary to retire it on
 > any machine.

As far as I know there are already obvious security holes in Python 2
if you need to use TLS, especially on Mac.  Python 2 is not up to
current security recommendations with respect to SSL and TLS versions,
and I suspect not with respect to other basic crypto.  I don't think
it's hard to configure those version exclusions, but it doesn't come
out of the box that way.  And on Mac you've got the mess that is an
Apple-specific TLS API that Python doesn't have a wrapper for last I
heard (it uses an bundled version of OpenSSL instead if you configure
it to support TLS).

I'm pretty sure that at least for now I[1] can configure a system to
run Mailman 2 so that none of the above matters (eg, have the web
server and MTA speak TLS so that Mailman doesn't have to), but I'm not
confident that will last for very long.

[1]  Or any reasonably up-to-date sysadmin.
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