I wrote:

 > > >> I'm pretty sure that at least for now I[1] can configure a
 > > >> system to run Mailman 2 so that none of the above matters

"None of the above" includes other crypto.

 > > > I'm pretty sure that's pure FUD.

I do not agree.  Besides being able to talk SMTP (and some people have
used it, though I'm sure it's very few nowadays), Mailman 2 talks DNS
(for DMARC) although I am not sure it can deal with secure DNS (in
fact, I'm not sure anyone can ;-).  DNS over HTTPS (DOH) is coming,
which implies TLS.  Mailman 3's ARC handler has to do both encryption
and decryption for ARC and decryption for DKIM, and that would be
fairly easy to port (I'm pretty sure the underlying libraries are 2/3
compatible).  (Ports are fair game because we're talking "future", and
I imagine ARC support is something Jim Popovitch would like to have.)
Any secure version of those protocols that Mailman 2 doesn't have
could Mailman unusable if some important partner decides to require

I'm sure I'm missing stuff, too.  So no, it may not be more likely
than not (given current status of "EOL"), but it's not pure FUD.  And
if the "reopen Mailman 2 for features" crowd has its way, the
likelihood goes up IMO (because I don't think they're likely to
succeed in getting a sufficiently stable port of Mailman 2 to Python

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