Am 27.11.2023 um 10:42:58 Uhr schrieb Randolf Richardson, Postmaster
via mailop:

>       Many marketing people seem to be terrified of the idea of
> users having to confirm their consent when subscribing to a mailing
> list (e.g., by following a unique link in an eMail message to
> complete the process).  The marketers almost always say "it will be
> too complicated for the average user," and want to eliminate the 
> confirmation step altogether (which is not an ethical approach from 
> my perspective).

Tell them that not doing opt-in will make them spammers and that the
servers of your company will be listed in blacklists, so you cannot
reach anybody until that listing is expired.

Without a confirmation, everybody can simply subscribe any address and
that will be abused.

Even the confirmation messages can already be used for mass mailing if
an abuser submits the form many times for many addresses.
mailop mailing list

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