Am 28.11.2023 um 15:15:51 Uhr schrieb Andy Smith via mailop:

> COI is right and proper, no argument from me, but the willingness of
> bad actors to ignore what is right and proper makes it very hard for
> anyone in the same industry to do what is right and proper.

Such companies will land on blacklists, which is something I really
like. I put sendgrid in my mailbox filter rules (postmaster inbox at
work, I am NOT the admin of the crappy Cisco ESA relay there) because
they refuse to stop sending me spam (Hayneedle) to the postmaster
abuse contact doesn't care.

Making money by letting customers send unsolicited mail isn't something
that is good for legitimate advertisers.

CEO must know that.

There are some ISPs that love to host spammers, but the result is that
normal customers can't use them.
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