timeanddate.com looks like a good tool, I will play around with it.
Thanks for the tip.  John - As usually you are right on.  I don't
think this meeting will get things done.  But what I would like to do
is get a list of areas we need to cover and have firm names next to
them for people to take responsibility to get those balls rolling.

I think more than anything what I want to see are goals.  Without
goals we will never accomplist anything.  If we can publish goals, we
can work towards them, and moreover new comers to the marketing group
will have a resource to look to.


On 4/24/07, John Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dudes and Dudettes,
> I would like to seek some clarification and offer some advice.  I am
> sure it is old advice to some, but what the hay.
> We seem to be discussing two separate issues here:
> (1) Generating new ideas
> (2) Getting things done
> Brainstorming is perfect for (1) and crap for (2).  And vice versa.  It
> is essential for brainstorming that ideas are not pre-judged or
> criticised.  We seem to be moving from discussing a brainstorming
> session to an action-oriented planning meeting.  Which is it?  Or should
> we have both?  (I think we should.)
> Finally, when?  Can we use timeanddate.com as a planning tool?  Can
> anyone suggest a better alternative?
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?day=30&month=4&year=2007&p1=952&p2=137&p3=234&p4=179&iv=0
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