
I think I see the problem, not a surprising one. Biosql's Postgres script
does not create a schema within the Biosql database, you're just populating
the db with tables. Within MartBuilder you must specify a schema, entering
database as 'bioseqdb' and schema as 'bioseqdb' does not work ('schema
connection failed'). So I tried other possibilities and 'public' worked for
some reason. Perhaps it shouldn't have?

However, since 'public.bioentry' doesn't exist the mart is not built. Looks
like I have to modify the Biosql Postgres script to create a schema, not
just a database (it's based on Mysql).


On 5/24/07 10:36 AM, "Richard Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, I know BioSQL well! :)

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